Custom Mythic + Keys

Mythic +2-16 Keys | 496-509 ilvl

WoW Mythic Plus service is a run through any chosen mythic plus dungeon at required keystone difficulty with a professional team. It does require knowing tactics or any gear but help with a DPS to complete M+ dungeon will be good to complete your order faster.

Dungeons at mythic plus difficulty do not have any weekly CD and require only a 5-ppl group that makes Mythic plus keystones the fastest way to gear up a character because M+ run can be organized at any time at day or night.

After ordering mythic plus dungeon our team will invite you to the group and even summon you to the dungeon in the shortest time and complete with all required options.

Run takes: 30-40 minutes | Start time: 15 minutes.
Mythic plus run includes:
  1. Fast run in the chosen Mythic plus dungeon.
  2. Weekly Great Vault upgrade depends on the key level.
  3. Mythic+ rating increased (if you didn't do this dungeon on chosen difficulty before).
  4. Completion a part of achievement Dragonflight Keystone Conqueror: Season Four and Dragonflight Keystone Master: Season Four.

Duration of the service is written for default run. Additional options may increase the completion time of the service.

If you would like to increase the chance of getting loot from the Mythic plus run you can add more options.

Additional options:
  • in timer option guarantees you run in time;
  • specific dungeon - you can choose the concrete dungeon we do (type the name in notes in checkout fields).

Characters with the same armor type increase loot chance for your character. But we need to mention that additional loot traders only increase the chance but do not guarantee items during the run. 

  • 70 level;
  • you don't need to bring your own key.

Mythic plus loot rewards

Key Level End of dungeon reward (2 items for a group) Great Vault reward
2 496 ilvl 509 ilvl
3 499 ilvl 509 ilvl
4 499 ilvl 512 ilvl
5 502 ilvl 512 ilvl
6 502 ilvl 515 ilvl
7 506 ilvl 515 ilvl
8 506 ilvl 519 ilvl
9 509 ilvl 519 ilvl
10 509 ilvl 522 ilvl

Please note that there is no exact amount of items guaranteed from mythic+ dungeons because items from the chest at the end of the dungeon are spread randomly across party members. However, you're guaranteed to get the Great Vault reward at the end of the week.

Dragonflight Season 4 Dungeons List:

Mythic+ dungeon pool will be completely different in Dragonflight Season 4. Here is a full list of dungeons to choose from:

  • The Azure Vault.
  • Brackenhide Hollow.
  • The Nokhund Offensive.
  • Ruby Life Pools.
  • Halls of Infusion.
  • Algeth’ar Academy.
  • Neltharus.
  • Uldaman.
Mythic +2-16 Keys | 496-509 ilvl